Project log
IDEA 2025
Innovation Design Application
May 23, 2025 | Genoa, IT
Elisabetta Canepa.
Spazio, corpo e percezione: Il disegno come strumento di rappresentazione e analisi dell’immisurabile in architettura.
Oral presentation at the third symposium IDEA “Drawing as a Tool to Investigate, Communicate, and Express Emotions”, promoted by the Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) and the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Maternal-Child Sciences (DINOGMI), University of Genoa.
AWW 2025
Architecture Workshop Week
Intensive design workshop
March 3–7, 2025 | Gdańsk, PL
Elisabetta Canepa.
The Aura Puzzle.
Elisabetta Canepa will lead a one-week workshop on atmospheric design and phenomenography. AWW is a joint international project involving the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (PL), Aalto University (FI), Brno University of Technology (CZ), the University of Genoa (IT), and Berlin International University of Applied Sciences (DE). Venue: Faculty of Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk.
Atmospheres and Architectonics
February 10–12, 2025 | Budapest, HU
Elisabetta Canepa.
Beyond the Threshold: The Poetics of Entryways.
Oral presentation at the “Atmospheres and Architectonics” conference, organized by the Doctoral School of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). The presentation is part of the “Feeling Architecture” session. Venue: MOME, Budapest.
High School
January 15, 2025 | Genoa, IT
Elisabetta Canepa.
Da A a B e viceversa.
Elisabetta Canepa delivers a lecture and engages in dialogue with students from Andrea D’Oria High School to spark their interest in the fields of architecture and science. Venue: lecture hall, Andrea D’Oria High School, Genoa.
IANUA School
December 4, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 5:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Spazi che emozionano: L’architettura nell’era delle neuroscienze.
IANUA is the School of Advanced Studies established by the University of Genoa. Through partnerships with institutions, organizations, and businesses, its mission is to promote students’ personal development, scientific and cultural enrichment, and professional growth. Venue: Aula Magna, University of Genoa.
Atmospheres of Objects, Places, and Events
November 20–21, 2024 | Genoa, IT
Elisabetta Canepa, Paola Sabbion.
The Changing Essence of Atmospheres in Landscape and Architecture.
Oral presentation at the “Atmospheres of Objects, Places, and Events” conference, organized by the ATMOS and PEA research groups. Venue: Aula Magna, University of Genoa. This conference pairs with a twin event on the “Philosophy of Architecture,” taking place at the same venue on November 18–19.
Architectural Atmospheres
November 4, 2024 | Adelaide, Australia | 10:30 am CET
Book presentation by Michael Tawa (The University of Sydney):
Atmosphere, Architecture, Cinema.
Discussants: Ross Anderson (The University of Sydney), Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa, Kansas State University), Stephen Kite (Cardiff University), and Renée Tobe (Leeds Beckett University). Moderators: James Curry (University of South Australia) and Stanislaus Fung (Chinese University of Hong Kong).
Invited lecture
October 30, 2024 | New Cairo City, EG | 2:00—4:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa, Kansas State University) gives a lecture on the potential and challenges of applying neuroscience to architectural research.
Lecture within the “Multispheres: Multisensory Design for Emotionally Engaging Architecture” Course, Architecture and Urban Design Program, Engineering and Materials Science Faculty, German University in Cairo (GUC), New Cairo City. Instructors: Heba Dewedar and Dr. Shaimaa Fayed.
Genoa Science Festival
October 24–26, 2024 | Genoa, IT
Elisabetta Canepa e Martina Putzolu
con Edoardo Poratelli.
Il potere degli spazi.
The Genoa Science Festival is one of the foremost international events promoting scientific culture. Over the years, it has become a key gathering for audiences and participants. This year, the theme is "Challenges," focusing on the scientific challenges that shape our world and the future we are creating. Elisabetta Canepa and Martina Putzolu coordinate a workshop designed to engage high school students in actively exploring how built environments influence our emotions.
International Congress on Ambiances
October 8–11, 2024 | Lisbon, PT
Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Valter Scelsi.
Memories and Atmospheres:
Learning from the Pammatone Complex in Genoa.
Oral presentation at the fifth “International Congress on Ambiances” — “Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World,” organized by Lusófona University with the support of the International Ambiances Network, a scientific and thematic network of the French Ministry of Culture. The presentation is part of the “Attuning with the World: Imagining and Making Atmospheres” session, chaired by Aleksandar Staničić and Shanti Sumartojo. Venue: Lusófona University.
2024 European
Researchers’ Night
September 27, 2024 | Genoa, IT
The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event displaying the diversity of science and its impact on our daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. It aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public, promote excellent research projects across Europe, increase the interest of young people in science and research careers, and showcase the impact of researchers’ work on our daily lives.
Elisabetta Canepa joins the SHARPER project and the MSCA Fellows@UniGe community. SHARPER is a European Researchers' Night project funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (GA 101061553). MSCA Fellows@UniGe is a new community aimed at engaging all MSCA fellows affiliated with the University of Genoa.
International Conference
on Spatial Cognition
September 9–13, 2024 | Rome, IT
Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Martina Putzolu (presenting author), Edoardo Poratelli, Zakaria Djebbara, Kutay Güler, Luca Andrighetto, Anna Fassio, Bob Condia, Andrea Jelić, Laura Avanzino, Valter Scelsi.
Exploring Emotional and Neurophysiological Responses to Architectural Atmospheres.
Oral presentation at the ninth “International Conference on Spatial Cognition” (ICSC) — “Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition,” organized by the European University of Rome and Sapienza University of Rome. The talk is part of the “Spatial Cognition, Neuroscience, and Architecture” symposium, edited by Nicola Bruno e Giovanni Vecchiato. Venue: European University of Rome (UER).
Invited lecture
September 6, 2024 | Southfield, MI | 7:00 pm EDT
Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa, Kansas State University) gives a lecture on the potential and challenges of applying neuroscience to architectural research.
Lecture within the “Psychology of Space” Seminar, Master’s Program in Architecture, Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Design (CoAD), Lawrence Technological University (LTU). Instructor: Prof. Kathryn Winterscheidt.
The Emotional Power of Space
Invited talk
June 26, 2024 | Leuven, BE | 12:00—1:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa) presents the main stages of the RESONANCES project, discussing results and outlining future steps.
Invited talk organized by Andrea Jelić on behalf of the Research[x]Design group, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven. Facility: room R.AE.KAST.Fumoir.432-01.00.06, Arenberg Castle, campus Engineering Sciences, Heverlee (Belgium).
Conference 2024
June 20–21, 2024 | Pescara, IT
Elisabetta Canepa.
Embodied Cognition in Architectural Design:
An Experimental Research.
Oral presentation at the “EXtended MIND: Models for the Design of the Human Environment” (EX-MIND) conference, coordinated by the University of Chieti-Pescara — Gabriele d'Annunzio (Ud'A): DDA, DiSPuTer, DiSFiPEQ e DNISC. Facility: Aurum — La Fabbrica delle Idee, Pescara.
The Fountainhead
PhD seminar series
June 13, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 2:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Lost in Translation
Fenomenologia di una ricerca.
Lecture within “The Fountainhead: Fonti e percorsi della ricerca” PhD seminar series, edited by Valter Scelsi. “Methodology & Tools” module, PhD Program in Architecture and Design (ADD), Department of Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School, University of Genoa. Facility: 1B room, dAD.
Neuroscience and Design
Course 2024
June 7, 2024 | Milan, IT | 4:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Feeling to Design
Designing to Feel.
Lecture, executive course "Neuroscience and Design: From Perception to Design," promoted by (the post-graduate school in Design of the Politecnico di Milano that supports and completes the curricular paths of the School of Design). This course gives architects, engineers, and designers the necessary tools to understand psychological-neuronal mechanisms.
I edition.
Blended format.
Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities
Conference 2024
June 3–5, 2024 | Catania, IT
Elisabetta Canepa.
Feeling and Remembering Architecture: How Embodied Atmospheres Amplify Emotions and Prime Memories, Illustrated through the Baroque Spaces and the 20th-Century Exhibition Design of Palazzo Rosso in Genoa.
Oral presentation at the “10 Years Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities — From 4E to 5E Cognition: About Emotions” conference, organized by the University of Catania (NEWHUMS —Interdepartmental Center of Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies) and the Neurohumanistic Studies Network. Dr. Canepa’s talk is part of the “Emotion and Place: From 4E to 5E Approaches to Architecture and Cities” panel, edited by Joerg Fingerhut and John Sutton. Facility: Monastero dei Benedettini, Department of Humanities (DiSUm), University of Catania.
Architecture is Atmosphere
April 4, 2024 | Turin, IT | 4:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, combining design, phenomenology, and neuroscience.
Lecture, Seminar Series within the “Interior Design: History and Theory” Course, Bachelor’s Program in Architecture, Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Polytechnic University of Turin. Instructors: Prof. Nilufer Saglar Onay and Prof. Federica Ciarcia’. Facility: 1P, Cittadella Politecnica.
Per un’architettura empatica
March 27, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 5:00 pm CET
Paola Gregory (Polytechnic University of Turin, Sapienza University of Rome) is in conversation with Carmen Andriani and Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa) to present her last book "Per un'architettura empatica. Prospettive, concetti, questioni," edited by Carocci in January 2024.
Lecture, PhD Program in Architecture and Design (ADD), Polytechnic School of Genoa. Facility: 4L room, Department of Architecture and Design (dAD).
Context in Architectural Composition
AY 2023–2024
April 19, 2024 | Genoa, IT | noon CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Dare forma allo spazio ineffabile:
L’architettura ha inizio dalla parola.
Lecture, Seminar Series within the “Context in Architectural Composition” Course, Bachelor’s Program in Architecture, (dAD), Polytechnic School of Genoa. Instructor: Prof. Beatrice Moretti with Giulia Ansaldi and Matilde Ridella. Facility: 5A, dAD.
The Italian Society of Landscape Architecture
Conference 2024
April 19, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 9:00 am – 7 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Composizioni orizzontali:
La chiave è camminare.
Oral presentation, “Suolo” international conference by IASLA (Italian Academic Society of Landscape Architecture), Department of Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School of Genoa. Facility: Benvenuto hall, dAD.
IDEA 2024
Innovation Design Application
March 18, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 3:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Emilio Ambasz, Residence-au-Lac:
Atmosfere, emozioni e realtà virtuale.
Oral presentation at the second symposium IDEA “Manual vs Automated Creative Process”, promoted by the Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) and the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Maternal-Child Sciences (DINOGMI), University of Genoa + the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
IDEA 2024
Innovation Design Application
March 18, 2024 | Genoa, IT | 9:30 am CET
Elisabetta Canepa.
Empathic Imagination:
Nurturing Architectural Creativity in Video Games and Virtual Reality Simulations.
Paper published in the proceedings of the second symposium IDEA “Manual vs Automated Creative Process”, promoted by the Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) and the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Maternal-Child Sciences (DINOGMI), University of Genoa + the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
Atmospherology Applied
to Architecture
February 26, 2024 | Venice, IT | 9:00 am CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, discussing theoretical notions and showing compositional exercises to disentangle spaces, bodies, and experiences.
Lecture, Master’s Program “Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design” (NAAD), IUAV University of Venice.
Theory and Praxis
of Emotional Spaces
January 8, 2024 | Venice, IT | 5:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, combining a phenomenological perspective of our spatial experience with the body perspective.
Lecture, Master’s Program “Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design” (NAAD), IUAV University of Venice.
Moving Boundaries Course
December 20—23, 2023 | Perugia and Gubbio, IT
Within the module focused on atmosphere and mood in architecture, Elisabetta Canepa gives a lecture entitled “Architectural Atmospheres: Experimenting Phenomenology and Neuroscience.”
The course “Moving Boundaries: Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture” is directed by Tatiana Berger and co-chaired by Sarah Robinson (chair-professor of architecture) and Vittorio Galles (chair-professor of neuroscience). Partners of this program are the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the University of California — San Diego (UCSD), among others.
Moving Boundaries Course
December 20—23, 2023 | Perugia and Gubbio, IT
Within the module focused on atmosphere and mood in architecture, Elisabetta Canepa runs a workshop entitled “Space or Place?” with Edoardo Milesi (Archos studio) and Andrea De Magistris (Associazione Dynamis).
The course “Moving Boundaries: Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture” is directed by Tatiana Berger and co-chaired by Sarah Robinson (chair-professor of architecture) and Vittorio Galles (chair-professor of neuroscience). Partners of this program are the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the University of California — San Diego (UCSD), among others.
IDEA 2024
Innovation Design Application
Symposium: Call
December 31, 2023 | Submission deadline
The Call for Papers for IDEA 2024 is open!
Elisabetta Canepa is a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees.
Second symposium IDEA “Manual vs Automated Creative Process”, promoted by the Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) and the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Maternal-Child Sciences (DINOGMI), University of Genoa + the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
The Aesthetics
of Architecture
December 5, 2023 | Genoa, IT | 2:30—6:00 pm CET
A seminar on the aesthetics of architecture with Dora Anastasi (University of Milan and University of Messina) and Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa).
Seminar organized by the Philosophy of Experiential Artifacts (PEA) project within the "Cogniton and the Arts" course, Master of Digital Humanities (DiHu), Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS), University of Genoa, Casa Paganini International Research Center.
Brain Principles and Urban Design
Memory and Emotions
November 23-24, 2023 | Venice, IT
This conference uses the "memory/emotion" liaison as a driver to improve a multidisciplinary approach to the use of neuroscience to support urban designers and architects and provide them with a deeper awareness of citizens' well-being, fostering pro-social life and behaviors within cities, districts, and buildings.
Elisabetta Canepa.
Memory | Emotions | Human Environment.
Oral presentation at the "Brain Principles and Urban Design" conference, promoted by the “Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design” (NAAD) Program at IUAV University of Venice, with the support of the Paris Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) and the Italian Chapter of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA). Organizers: Alain Berthoz, Francois Pitti, and Davide Ruzzon.
Facility: Manfredo Tafuri lecture hall, Palazzo Badoer, IUAV University of Venice.
Forum 2023
November 16-18, 2023 | Genoa, IT
ProArch is the Scientific Society of Italian University Professors in Architectural and Urban Design and organizes a national conference each year. Elisabetta Canepa and Valter Scelsi discuss the term “Atmosphere” as an essential word for experiencing, understanding, articulating, designing, and teaching architecture nowadays.
Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author) and Valter Scelsi.
Oral presentation at the 10th ProArch Forum — “Le parole e le forme” (November 16—18, 2023), Department of Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School, Univesity of Genoa. “S1.5: Accademia” round table. Moderators: Massimo Ferrari, Carmen Andriani, and Cristiana Lopes.
Facility: Aula Vallega, Department of Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School, Univesity of Genoa.
The Architect
of Atmospheres
November 14, 2023 | Mendrisio, CH | 5:30—6:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa presents the evolution of the experimental tests developed within the Resonances project at Kansas State University and the University of Genoa.
Oral presentantion within the "Fenomenologia dello Spazio" course, Bachelor of Arts in Architettura d’Interni, Dipartimento Ambiente Costruzioni e Design (DACD), Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI).
Prof. Matteo Vegetti and Arch. Victoria Pham.
Back to Genoa
Learning from Manhattan
October 13, 2023 | Genoa, IT | 2:30—4:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a lecture on Genoa, sharing insights on how to apply an atmospheric approach to architectural experiences.
Seminar within the “Typologies in Genoa” studio trip and redrawing, organized by Studio VG13 (Tommaso Fantini and Alberto Rossi), an international workshop of the Biberach School of Architecture, Germany.
Fall term 2023.
Moving Boundaries
International Winter Course
October 15, 2023 | Application deadline
This winter program offers an intensive two-week course in the interface between disciplines concerned with design of the built environment and sciences related to human perception and behavior. It is open to architecture and design professionals, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, artists, graduate students, and scholars at any level. Locations: Venice, Perugia, and Gubbio, IT.
Elisabetta Canepa is part of the faculty.
The course ‘Moving Boundaries: Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture’ is directed by Prof. Tatiana Berger. Partners of this program are the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the University of California — San Diego (UCSD), among others.
2023 European
Researchers’ Night
September 29, 2023 | Genoa, IT
The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event displaying the diversity of science and its impact on our daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. It aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public, promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond, increase the interest of young people in science and research careers, and showcase the impact of researchers’ work on our daily lives.
Elisabetta Canepa joins the SHARPER project.
SHARPER is a European Researchers' Night project funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (GA 101061553). It involves multiple cities: Ancona, Cagliari, Camerino, Catania, Genova, L’Aquila, Macerata, Nuoro, Pavia, Palermo, Perugia, Sassari, Terni, and Trieste.
Conference 2023
September 13—16, 2023 | San Diego, CA, USA
Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Zakaria Djebbara, Kutay Güler, Luca Andrighetto, Irene Schiavetti, Andrea Jelić, and Bob Condia.
First Impressions: Conscious and Nonconscious Responses to Atmospheric Primes in Architectural Space.
Oral presentation at the ANFA 20th Anniversary Conference (September 13—16, 2023), University of California San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, California.
Forum 2023: Call
July 16, 2023 | Submission deadline
The Call for Abstracts for the 10th ProArch Forum is open!
ProArch is the Scientific Society of Italian University Professors in Architectural and Urban Design and organizes a national conference each year. Elisabetta Canepa is a member of the Organizing Committee for the 2023 edition hosted in Genoa.
10th ProArch Forum — “Le parole e le forme” (November 16—18, 2023), Department of Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School, Univesity of Genoa.
EDRA 2023 Conference
Environment and Health:
Global/Local Challenges and Actions
June 22, 2023 | Mexico City, MX | 1:30 pm CST
Kutay Güler (presenting author), Bob Condia, and Elisabetta Canepa.
Utilizing Eye Tracking in VR Environments to Understand the Impact of Biophilic Interventions.
Oral presentation at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 54 Conference — ‘Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions ’ (June 20—23, 2023), Session: 'Simulation as Assessment.' Facility: School of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City.
EDRA 2023 Conference
Environment and Health:
Global/Local Challenges and Actions
June 21, 2023 | Mexico City, MX | 2:45 pm CST
Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Kutay Güler, and Bob Condia.
The Emotional Atmospheres ATLAS: A Database of Architectural Experiences Surveyed through Arousal and Valence.
Oral presentation at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 54 Conference — ‘Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions ’ (June 20—23, 2023), Session: 'Design analysis and theoretical aspects.' Facility: School of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City.
Neuroscience for Architecture:
Designing with Atmosphere in Mind
July 15, 2023 | Online course | 10:30 am GMT-3 (Brazil)
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, combining phenomenology and physiology.
Lecture, “Neuroscience for Architecture: Designing with the User in Mind” Course, 2023 edition, NeuroAu, directed by Andréa De Paiva (ANFA Advisory Board member and vice chair of the ANFA Chapter Brazil).
Postdoctoral Fellowship Masterclass
May 29-30, 2023
Elisabetta Canepa holds an oral presentation to provide MSCA candidates with writing, editing, and strategy tips to prepare a successful grant proposal.
MSCA PF @UniGe 2023 Masterclass, organized by the European Research Office (ERO), University of Genoa, in collaboration with the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) Liguria.
Conference 2023: Call
May 15, 2023 | Submission deadline
The Call for Papers for ANFA 2023 is open!
ANFA 20th Anniversary Conference will be in San Diego, California, from September 13 to September 16, 2023. The submission deadline for abstracts (papers and posters) is now due on May 15, 2023.
Advisory Council Appointment
Elisabetta Canepa is grateful and excited about being welcome as a new member of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture Advisory Council (ANFA AdCo).
The mission of ANFA (based in San Diego, California, US) is to promote and advance knowledge that links neuroscience research to a growing understanding of human responses to the built environment.
IDEA 2023
Investigating Design in Architecture
April 17, 2023 | Genoa, IT
The Call for Papers for IDEA 2023 is open!
Elisabetta Canepa is a member of the Promoting Committee, and on this occasion she presents the evolution of the experimental tests developed within the Resonances project at Kansas State University.
First symposium IDEA, Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) + Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, and Maternal-Child Sciences (DINOGMI), University of Genoa.
and Sacred Architecture
Interdisciplinary Symposium
March 23—25, 2023 | Washington, DC, USA
Elisabetta Canepa is one of the speakers invited to present her empirical research on the qualitative dimensions of architecture, illustrating the experiments developed in the P\Lab2003 at the K-State College of Architecture, Planning and Design. She takes part in two work and topic panels.
Symposium "Neurophenomenology and Sacred Architecture: Toward an Experimental Theological Aesthetics," School of Architecture and Planning, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023
April 12, 2023
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral mobility. The next call for applications will open on April 12, 2023.
Fellow of the Week
February 3, 2023
Elisabetta Canepa has been selected as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Fellow of the Week. MSCA Fellow of the Week is an initiative by the European Commission to let people know about MSCA fellows and their research.
Designing Atmospheres:
Theory and Science
Interfaces Symposium
March 28, 2023 | Manhattan, KS, USA | 8:30 am — 12:30 pm CST
Recent advances in science confirm many of the architect’s intuitions opening new doors to the perception of space and the meaning of architecture. “Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science” presents to an audience of students, architects, and scientists a conversation about human perception of design and building, specifically speaking to the significance of atmosphere, mood, and affordances.
Speakers: Kory Beighle, PhD (APDesign — KState); Elisabetta Canepa, PhD (EU Marie Curie Postdoc Fellow — UniGe and KState, ANFA Member); Bob Condia, FAIA (APDesign — KState, Member of the Advisory Council to ANFA); Zakaria Djebbara, PhD (CREATE — Aalborg University, Biological Psychology and Neuroergonomics — TU Berlin); Harry Francis Mallgrave, PhD (Distinguished Professor Emeritus — IIT, Member of the Advisory Council to ANFA). Check out here for more information.
Facility: Regnier Forum, APDesign, K-State University, Manhattan, KS.
Coffee and donuts at 8:00 am CST.
GUD, a Magazine
about Architecture, Design, and Cities
7, Sinapsi — Synapse
March 13, 2023 | Genoa, IT
The Call for Papers for GUD 7 is open!
Elisabetta Canepa, Andrea Giachetta, and Gaia Leandri are the guest editors of this special issue of GUD — Genova University Design magazine. In GUD 7, we want to trace a way that goes in a new direction with unusual topics, references, and travel companions. The aim is to confront each other about the architectural and design project at the level of our perceptual, emotional, and cognitive processes.
February 13, 2023: Call launch
March 13, 2023: Abstract submission deadline
April 7, 2023: Notification of acceptance
May 8, 2023: Full paper submission deadline
June 2023: GUD 7 release
GUD is an open-access journal, rated as a “scientific journal” by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (ANVUR).
Atmospheric Subtleties:
Towards a Phenomenological Physiology
for the Architectural Experience
February 28, 2023 | Venice, IT | 5:00—7:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, combining the first-person perspective of our spatial experience (that is, the phenomenological approach) with the body perspective (namely, a physiological interpretation).
Lecture, Master’s Program “Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design” (NAAD), IUAV University of Venice.
February 21, 2023 | Manhattan, KS, USA | 9:30—11:00 am CST
Francesca Iovene (an architectural and documentary photographer based in Berlin) illustrates how her visual sensibility focuses on spatial atmospheres to narrate sensations, memories, and experiences. Her lecture combines architecture and landscape, photography and cinema.
Seminar “The Resonance of Atmospheres in Space” (ARCH 715A), Department of Architecture, APDesign, K-State University.
The Resonance
of Atmospheres in Space
ARCH 715A Seminar
Spring 2023 Course
January 17 — May 11, 2023
Tuesday and Thursday | 9:30—10:45 am CST
In this seminar, we explore the fundamentals of the phenomenography, experimentation, and design of architectural atmospheres. The course includes readings, class discussions, and student presentations. Final output: writing a research paper.
Prof. Elisabetta Canepa, PhD and Bob Condia, FAIA.
Topics in Architecture Seminar, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.),
Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), K-State University.
Facility: Seaton 2122.
Architecture as Behaviors, Actions,
and Atmospheres
ARCH 818C \ ADS 8
Spring 2023 Course
January 18 — May 12, 2023
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | 1:30—5:30 pm CST
This is a Thesis Studio in architectural experience focused on advanced design strategy. We study and compose a biological theory of perception that we can apply to architectural practice. Final output: developing a graduate thesis project (M.Arch. class of 2023).
Prof. Bob Condia, FAIA with Prof. Elisabetta Canepa, PhD.
Architectural Design Studio VIII, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.),
Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), K-State University.
Facility: Seaton 2156.
The Language of Atmosphere
October 24 — November 2, 2022 | M W F | 1:30—5:30 pm CST
Elisabetta Canepa runs a theory module and workshop about the nature of architectural atmospheres and their perceptual components. Adopting an analytical approach, we select a series of atmospheric generators and test them on spatial patterns. Final output: drafting a database of visual atmospheric stimuli.
Lectures and class discussion, ‘Architecture as Behaviors, Actions, and Atmospheres’ (ADS 7) Studio, Master’s Program in Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), Kansas State University. Instructor: Prof. Bob Condia.
Facility: Seaton 2156.
Atmospheric Spaces
Elisabetta became an associate member of the Atmospheric Spaces international community, and the RESONANCES project was included among its research partners.
Atmospheric Spaces is an international network that promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the atmospheric subject, firstly moving from a phenomenological and aesthetic perspective.
Director: Tonino Griffero, Tor Vergata University, Rome (Italy).
Atmospherically Thinking: A Model for
Experiencing Architecture and the Everyday
October 13, 2022 | Manhattan, KS, USA | 5:30—7:00 pm CST
In a casual atmosphere, Elisabetta Canepa engages students with discussions about mood, ambiance, and design.
Talk, ‘Architecturally Speaking’ Lecture Series, sponsored by the Flint Hills Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA FH) and the K-State American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), Kansas State University. Coordinator: Prof. Michael Grogan.
Facility: JP's, K-State Student Union.
Atmospheric Praxis
September 20, 2022 | Manhattan, KS, USA | 7:00—10:00 pm CST
Elisabetta Canepa converses with students about the phenomenological primacy of atmosphere in the design process.
Lecture and class discussion, ‘Modes of Architectural Praxis’ (ARCH715) Seminar, Master’s Program in Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), Kansas State University. Instructor: Prof. Judy O’ Buck Gordon.
Facility: Seaton East 1137.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Masterclass
June 8, 2022 | 4:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds an oral presentation to provide MSCA candidates with writing, editing, and strategy tips to prepare a successful grant proposal.
MSCA PF @UniGe 2022 Masterclass, organized by the European Research Office (ERO), University of Genoa. In collaboration with the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) Liguria.
Architectural Atmospheres
May 20, 2022 | 12:00 pm EST
Bob Condia moderates a panel discussion between the architect Suchi Reddy, the neuroscientist Michael Arbib, and the philosopher Tonino Griffero.
Architectural Atmospheres: Phenomenology, Cognition and Feeling, a roundtable hosted by The Commission Project (TCP) within the Applied Neuroaesthetics project. The event will be held on Zoom and posted on the Youtube TCP channel.
The European Research Environment
UniGe PhD course
May 4, 2022 | Genoa, IT | 2:00—4:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa gives an oral presentation to illustrate to PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows her MSCA experience.
Course offered by the PhD program in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA) — Curriculum in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Mechanics and Materials. Polytechnic School, University of Genoa, academic year 2021/2022. Panel: UniGe Successful Stories.
April 21, 2022 | Genoa, IT | 5:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa teaches a class about the design variables that contribute to the composition of atmospheres, influencing people's spatial perception.
Lecture, ‘Dollhouse’ Architectural Design Studio III, Bachelor’s Program in Architecture, Dept. Architecture and Design (dAD), Polytechnic School, University of Genoa. Prof. Christiano Lepratti, with Matteo Orlandi, Irene Senarega, Martina Guasco, Fulvio Maccarone, Ayla Schiappacasse, and Duccio Prassoli.
Moving Boundaries
International Summer Course
July 29 — August 4, 2022 | Spain and Portugal
This summer program offers an intensive two-week course in the interface between disciplines concerned with design of the built environment and scientific disciplines related to human perception and behavior. Grounded in the local landscape of Galicia and northern Portugal, the course is open to architecture and design professionals, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, as well as graduate and postdoctoral students in these disciplines.
Elisabetta Canepa is a teaching assistant.
The course “Moving Boundaries: Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture” is chaired by Prof. Tatiana Berger and Prof. Sergei Gepshtein. Partners of this program are the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, the University of California — San Diego (UCSD), the University of A Coruña (UDC), the Centre for Conscious Design (CCD), ArtClever, Instituto de Pós-graduação e Graduação (IPOG), NeuroAU, Instituto de Neurociencia para la Arquitectura y el Diseño en México (INPAD), Casa da Arquitectura — Portuguese Centre for Architecture, and Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (CGAC).
Generators of Architectural Atmosphere
Interfaces Symposium
April 12, 2022 | Manhattan, KS, USA | 8:00—12:30 am CST
Recent advances in science confirm many of the architect’s expert biases opening new doors to the perception of space and the meaning of architectural and urban design. “Generators of Architectural Atmosphere” presents to an audience of students, educators, architects, and scientists a conversation about human perception of design and building, specifically speaking to the significance of atmosphere, mood, affordances, and embodiment.
Speakers: Bob Condia, FAIA (APDesign — KSU, Member of the Advisory Council to ANFA, and ACE Member); Elisabetta Canepa (EU Marie Curie Postdoc Fellow — UniGe, ANFA and ACE Member); Kutay Güler (APDesign, IAID — KSU); Tiziana Proietti (College of Architecture — OU, ANFA and ACE Member). Check out here the schedule and more information.
An Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — Resonances Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the 2020 Regnier Chair.
Facility: Regnier Hall, APDesign, K-State University, Manhattan, KS.
Architecture with Feeling: Measuring Emotional and Neurophysiological
Responses to the Built Environment
March 22, 2022 | 4:00—5:30 pm CST
Isabella Bower (PhD candidate with the School of Architecture — Built Environment and the Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, School of Psychology, at Deakin University, Melbourne) presents her doctoral research and converses with Bob Condia, Elisabetta Canepa, and their students.
Seminar “Perception of Space: Atmospheres” (ARCH 715A), Department of Architecture, APDesign, K-State University.
Atmosphere in Architecture:
From Phenomenology to Biology,
and Back Again
March 9, 2022 | 5:00—7:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa holds a presentation that explores the atmospheric issue in architecture, combining the first-person perspective of our spatial experience (that is, the phenomenological approach) with the body perspective (namely, a biological interpretation).
Lecture, Master’s Program “Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design” (NAAD), IUAV University of Venice.
Perception of Space:
ARCH 715A Seminar
Spring 2022 Course
January 18 — May 12, 2022
Tuesday and Thursday | 4:05—5:20 pm CST
In this seminar, we explore the fundamentals of the phenomenography, experimentation, and design of architectural atmospheres. The course includes readings, class discussions, and student presentations. Final output: writing a research paper.
Prof. Bob Condia, FAIA and Prof. Elisabetta Canepa, PhD.
Topics in Architecture Seminar, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.),
Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), K-State University.
Facility: Seaton 2122.
The Atmosphere
of Architectural Perception
ARCH 818C \ ADS 8
Spring 2022 Course
January 17 — May 12, 2022
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | 1:30—5:30 pm CST
This is a Thesis Studio in architectural experience focused on advanced design strategy. We study and compose a biological theory of perception that we can apply to architectural practice. Final output: developing a graduate thesis project (M.Arch. class of 2022).
Prof. Bob Condia, FAIA with Prof. Elisabetta Canepa, PhD.
Architectural Design Studio VIII, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.),
Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), K-State University.
Facility: Seaton 0101.
Science is Wonderful!
2021 Edition
November 22, 2021 | 9:00—14:00 pm CET
Free and open to everybody, Science is Wonderful! (10—26 November 2021) brings the world of science to primary and secondary schools all over Europe. Researchers from all disciplines are ready to meet online with teachers and pupils, inspiring their interest in the world of science. Science is Wonderful! is an initiative of the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
Talks and experiments with students from the primary schools Istituto Globale Sant’Antioco-Calasetta (South Sardinia) and Livio Tempesta (Lecce), and from the secondary school Massimo D’Azeglio (Genoa).
Elements of Atmosphere
Research Seminar
November 10, 2021 | Leuven, BE | 4:00—5:30 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa (University of Genoa) and Andrea Jelić (KU Leuven) are in conversation with Bob Condia (Kansas State University), Zakaria Djebbara (Aalborg University), Ann Heylighen (KU Leuven), Sarah Robinson (Aalborg University), Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink (Aalborg University), Valter Scelsi (University of Genoa), and Peter-Willem Vermeersch (KU Leuven).
Research seminar #01, organized in collaboration with the research group Research[x]Design, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven.
Hybrid event, Campus Engineering Sciences, Leuven (Belgium).
ANFA 2021 Symposium
‘Quantified Buildings, Quantified Self’
September 17, 2021 | San Diego, CA, USA | 10:30 am PST
Elisabetta Canepa, Chiara Centanaro, and Valeria Minucciani
The Language of Data in the Exhibition Discourse.
Intertwining Architects, Curators, Artists, Scientists, and Users.
Oral presentation at the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) 2021 Conference – ‘Quantified Buildings, Quantified Self,’ Paper Session III: Mapping Responses to Space. Moderator: Eduardo Macagno.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Masterclass
July 1, 2021 | Genoa, IT | 3:00 pm CET
Elisabetta Canepa gives an oral presentation to provide MSCA candidates with writing and editing tips to prepare their grant proposals.
MSCA PF @UniGe 2021 Masterclass, organized by the European Research Office (ERO), University of Genoa. In collaboration with the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) Liguria.