Lit review
This literature review section, of both an open-access and open-contribution character, collects interdisciplinary publications on the topics of emotional involvement with architectural environments.
1 — Architectural atmospheres
2 — Phenomenology in architecture
3 — Emotions, embodiment, and empathy in architecture
4 — Biological basis of atmospheric perception -
DE — German
EN — English
ES — Spanish
FR — French
IT — Italian
JP — Japanese
NL — Dutch -
D — Design disciplines
S — Human science and neuroscience
M — Miscellany
Due to the international nature of the research project, our literature rosters include sources in English. We list non-English literature only when a translation is not available. The original-language edition of every translation is enclosed in parentheses following the title.
Each bibliography item routes readers to the publisher's website or directly to the document. The acronym OA marks that the full-text is online open access.
This literature review is ongoing. Any suggestions to enrich it will be gratefully received. Your feedback helps us improve! Please contact us by email at
Architectural atmospheres
A —
Ábalos, Iñaki, and Sentkiewicz, Renata. 2015.
Essays on Thermodynamics, Architecture and Beauty.
Barcelona and New York, NY: Actar.
book [EN] [D]
Albini, Franco. 2005.
“Le mie esperienze di architetto nelle esposizioni in Italia e all’estero / My Experiences as an Architect in Exhibitions in Italy and Abroad” (1954).
Casabella 730, year LXIX, 2: 9–12 / 99–100.
essay [IT/EN] [D]
Andersen, Michael A. 2012.
“In Conversation: Peter Zumthor and Juhani Pallasmaa.”
Architectural Design 82, 6 (special issues on “Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity”): 22–25.
DOI: 10.1002/ad.1487
essay [EN] [D]
Anderson, Ben. 2009.
“Affective atmospheres.”
Emotion, Space and Society 2, 2: 77–81.
DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2009.08.005
paper [EN] [M]
Anderson, Ben. 2014.
Encountering Affect: Capacities, Apparatuses, Conditions.
Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
book [EN] [M]
Anderson, Ben, and Ash, James. 2015.
“Atmospheric Methods.”
In Non-Representational Methodologies:
Re-Envisioning Research,
by Phillip Vannini, 34–51.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
DOI: 10.4324/9781315883540.
essay [EN] [M]
Asu Schroer, Sara, and Schmitt, Susanne B. (eds.). 2018.
Exploring Atmospheres Ethnographically.
Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Atmospheric Spaces Project. 2021.
Bibliography, ed. by S. Borriello and S. Massimo.
Encyclopedic entries, essentials, and general bibliography.
literature [EN] [D] [M] [S] [OA]
B —
Benedito, Silvia. 2013.
“On Atmospheres and Design.”
Syllabus, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (GSD), Landscape Dept, ADV 09128 Seminar (spring term).
syllabus [EN] [D]
Benedito, Silvia. 2021.
Atmosphere Anatomies: On Design, Weather, and Sensation.
Baden: Lars Müller.
book [EN] [D]
Bille, Mikkel, Bjerregaard, Peter,
and Sørensen, Tim F. 2015.
“Staging Atmospheres: Materiality, Culture,
and the Texture of the In-Between.”
Emotion, Space and Society 15
(special issue on “Staging Atmospheres”): 31–38.
DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2014.11.002
paper [EN] [M]
Bille, Mikkel, and Schwabe, Siri. 2023.
The Atmospheric City.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [D] [M]
Bille, Mikkel, and Simonsen, Kirsten. 2021.
“Atmospheric Practices: On Affecting and Being Affected.”
Space and Culture 24 (2): 295–309.
DOI: 10.1177/1206331218819711
paper [EN] [M]
Bille, Mikkel, and Sørensen, Tim F. 2007.
"An Anthropology of Luminosity: The Agency of Light."
Journal of Material Culture 12, 3: 263–284.
DOI: 10.1177/135918350708189.
paper [EN] [M]
Bille, Mikkel, and Sørensen, Tim F. (eds.) 2019.
Elements of Architecture: Assembling Archaeology, Atmosphere and the Performance of Building Spaces.
Archaeological Orientations, 3.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 1991.
“Über Synästhesien / On Synaesthesiae.”
Daidalos. Architektur Kunst Kultur / Architecture Art Culture 41 (special issue on ‘Provokation der Sinne / Provocation of the Senses’): 26–37.
paper [DE/EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 1993.
“Atmosphere as the Fundamental Concept
of a New Aesthetics.”
Thesis Eleven 36, 1: 113–126.
DOI: 10.1177/072551369303600107
paper [EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 1995.
Atmosphäre: Essays zur neuen Ästhetik.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
book [DE] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 1995.
“Inszenierte Materialität / Staged Materiality.”
Daidalos. Architektur Kunst Kultur / Architecture Art Culture 56 (special issue on “Magie der Werkstoffe /
Magic of Materials”): 36–43.
paper [DE/EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 1998.
“Atmosphäre als Begriff der Ästhetik /
Atmosphere as an Aesthetic Concept.”
Daidalos. Architektur Kunst Kultur / Architecture Art Culture 68 (special issue on “Konstruktion von Atmosphären / Constructing Atmospheres”): 112–115.
paper [DE/EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 2001.
Aisthetik: Vorlesungen über Ästhetik
als allgemeine Wahrnehmungslehre.
München: Wilhelm Fink.
book [DE] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 2005.
“Atmosphere as the Subject Matter of Architecture.”
In Herzog and de Meuron: Natural History,
ed. by P. Ursprung, 398–406.
Baden: Lars Müller.
essay [EN/DE/FR] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2006.
Architektur und Atmosphäre.
München: Wilhelm Fink.
book [DE] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2013.
“Metaphors in Architecture — a Metaphor?”
In Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction,
ed. by A. Gerber and B. Patterson, 47–58.
Architekturen, 19. Bielefeld: Transcript.
essay [EN] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2013.
“Sfeer als bewuste fysieke aanwezigheid in de ruimte /
Atmosphere as Mindful Physical Presence in Space.”
OASE. Tijdschrift voor architectuur / Journal for Architecture 91 (special issue on “Sfeer bouwen /
Building Atmosphere”): 21–32.
paper [NL/EN] [D] [OA]
Böhme, Gernot. 2013.
“Synaesthesiae within the Scope
of a Phenomenology of Perception” (2002).
Wolkenkuckucksheim | Cloud-Cuckoo-Land |
Воздушный замок (W|C|B).
International Journal of Architectural Theory 18, 31
(special issue on “Synaesthesia.
Body — Space / Architecture”): 23–33.
paper [EN] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2013.
“Een treffen van sferen: Reflectie op het begrip sfeer bij Juhani Pallasmaa en Peter Zumthor / Encountering Atmospheres: A Reflection on the Concept of Atmosphere in the Work of Juhani Pallasmaa and Peter Zumthor.”
OASE. Tijdschrift voor architectuur / Journal for Architecture 91 (special issue on “Sfeer bouwen /
Building Atmosphere”): 93–100.
paper [NL/EN] [D] [OA]
Böhme, Gernot. 2013.
“The Art of the Stage Set as a Paradigm for an Aesthetics of Atmospheres / La scénographie comme paradigme d’une esthétique des ambiances.”
Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain, rediscovering / redécouvertes: n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.315
paper [EN/FR] [D] [OA]
Böhme, Gernot. 2014.
“Atmospheres: New Perspectives
for Architecture and Design.”
In Architecture and Atmosphere,
ed. by P. Tidwell, 7–14.
Espoo: Tapio Wirkkala — Rut Bryk (TWRB) Foundation.
essay [EN] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2017.
Critique of Aesthetic Capitalism.
Atmospheric Spaces, 1.
Milano and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [M]
Böhme, Gernot. 2017.
Atmospheric Architectures:
The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces (2013).
Ed. and trans. by A.C. Engels-Schwarzpaul.
London and New York, NY: Bloomsbury.
book [EN] [D]
Böhme, Gernot. 2017.
The Aesthetics of Atmospheres.
Ed. by J.P. Thibaud.
Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Space, 1. Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Bollnow, Otto F. 2020.
Human Space (1963).
Trans. by C. Shuttleworth.
Atmospheric Spaces, 8.
Milano and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [M]
Borch, Christian (ed.). 2014.
Architectural Atmospheres:
On the Experience and Politics of Architecture.
Basel: Birkhäuser.
book [EN] [D]
Bressani, Martin, and Sprecher, Aaron. 2019.
"Atmospheres." Journal of Architectural Education 73, 1 (Armospheres): 2–4.
DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2019.1560792
essay [EN] [D]
Bucci, Marco. 2005.
“L’arte del porgere: Franco Albini e l’architettura delle esposizioni / The Art of Offering: Franco Albini and the Architecture of Exhibitions.”
Casabella 730, year LXIX, 2: 13–15 / 100–101.
essay [IT/EN] [D]
C —
Canepa, Elisabetta. 2019.
“Neurocosmi: La dimensione atmosferica
tra architettura e neuroscienze.”
Doctoral dissertation, University of Genoa.
Institutional Research Information System (IRIS) UniGe:
full text [IT] [D/M/S] [OA]
Canepa, Elisabetta. 2021.
“Fenomenografia atmosferica:
Ovvero, la strategia del procedere per gradi di intimità.”
In Un anno di didattica: Innovazione e ricerca
nella scuola di architettura di Genova,
15–19 / 130–131.
Opera metrica, 4. Genova: Sagep editori.
essay [IT/EN] [D]
Canepa, Elisabetta. 2022.
Architecture is Atmosphere:
Notes on Empathy, Emotions, Body, Brain, and Space.
Atmospheric Spaces, 11.
Milan and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [D]
Canepa, Elisabetta. 2022.
”Resonant Architecture:
The Situated Poetics of Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas.”
Oz 44 (special issue entitled “Essence of Discipline”):
4–11. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7023675
paper [EN] [D] [OA]
Canepa, Elisabetta. 2022.
”The Atmospheric Equation and the Weight of Architectural Generators.”
In Generators of Architectural Atmosphere,
ed. by E. Canepa and B. Condia, 18–55.
Interfaces, 3. Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7530555
essay [EN] [D] [OA]
Canepa, Elisabetta, and Condia, Robert J. (eds.). 2022.
Generators of Architectural Atmosphere.
Introduction by B. Condia, essays by E. Canepa, K. Güler, T. Proietti and S. Gepshtein. Interfaces, 3.
Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press.
book [EN] [D] [OA]
Canepa, Elisabetta, Scelsi, Valter, Fassio, Anna, Avanzino, Laura, Lagravinese, Giovanna, and Chiorri, Carlo. 2019.
“Atmospheres: Feeling Architecture by Emotions.
Preliminary Neuroscientific Insights on Atmospheric Perception in Architecture / Atmosphères: Percevoir l’architecture par les émotions. Considérations préliminaires des neurosciences sur la perception atmosphérique en architecture.”
Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain 5 (special issue on “Phenomenographies: Describing Urban and Architectural Atmospheres”): n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.2907
paper [EN/FR] [D/S] [OA]
Catucci, Stefano, and De Matteis, Federico (eds.). 2021.
The Affective City: Spaces, Atmospheres and Practices
in Changing Urban Territories. Vol. I.
Alleli | Research, 88. Siracusa: LetteraVentidue.
book [EN] [D]
Condia, Robert J. (ed.). 2019.
Meaning in Architecture:
Affordances, Atmosphere and Mood.
Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press (NPP).
book [EN] [D] [OA]
Condia, Robert J. (ed.). 2020.
Affordances and the Potential for Architecture.
Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press (NPP).
book [EN] [D] [OA]
Condia, Robert J., and Luczak, Michael. 2014.
“On Mood and Aesthetic Experience in Architecture.”
In ANFA 2014 Conference: Presenter Abstracts,
ed. by the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
(ANFA), 24–25.
San Diego, CA: 18–20 September 2014.
poster [EN] [D/S] [OA]
Connor, Steven. 2010.
The Matter of Air: Science and the Art of the Ethereal.
London: Reaktion Books.
book [EN] [M]
D —
De Matteis, Federico. 2020.
“Atmosphere in Architecture.”
In International Lexicon of Aesthetics (ILAe).
Spring edn. Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis.
DOI: 10.7413/18258630074
dictionary entry [EN] [M] [OA]
De Matteis, Federico. 2021.
Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body.
Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces, 8. Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [D]
De Matteis, Federico, Bille, Mikkel, Griffero, Tonino,
and Jelić, Andrea. 2019.
“Phenomenographies: Describing the Plurality of Atmospheric Worlds / Phenomenographies: décrire la pluralité de mondes atmosphériques.”
Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain 5 (special issue on “Phenomenographies: Describing Urban and Architectural Atmospheres”): n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.2526
paper [EN/FR] [D/S] [OA]
Décosterd, Jean-Gilles, and Rahm, Philippe. 2002.
Physiological Architecture / Architecture physiologique.
Basel, Berlin, and Boston, MA: Birkhäuser.
book [EN/FR] [D]
Duff, Cameron. 2010.
“On the Role of Affect and Practice in the Production of Place.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28 (5): 881–895.
DOI: 10.1068/d16209.
paper [EN] [M]
E —
Edensor, Tim, and Sumartojo, Shanti. 2015.
“Designing Atmospheres:
Introduction to Special Issue.”
Visual Communication 14, 3
(Designing Atmospheres): 251–265.
DOI: 10.1177/1470357215582305
paper [EN] [D] [OA]
Endell, August. 2018.
The Beauty of the Metropolis (1908).
Trans. by J.J. Conway.
Berlin: Rixdorf Editions.
book [EN] [D]
Espuelas, Fernando. 1999.
El claro en el bosque:
Reflexiones sobre el vacío en arquitectura.
Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos.
book [ES] [D]
F —
Ford, Thomas H. 2018.
Wordsworth and the Poetics of Air:
Atmospheric Romanticism in a Time of Climate Change.
Cambridge and New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press (CUP).
book [EN] [M]
G —
Gandy, Matthew. 2017.
“Urban Atmospheres.”
Cultural Geographies 24, 3: 353–374.
DOI: 10.1177/1474474017712995
paper [EN] [M]
Gregory, Paola. 2020.
In Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.
10th Appendix (Parole del XXI secolo), 115–119.
Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani.
dictionary entry [IT] [D]
Griffero, Tonino. 2005.
“Corpi e atmosfere: Il ‘punto di vista’ delle cose.”
In Il luogo dello spettatore: Forme dello sguardo
nella cultura delle immagini,
ed. by A. Somaini, 283–318.
Milano: Vita e Pensiero (V&P).
essay [IT] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2010.
“Atmosfere: Non metafore ma quasi-cose.”
In Metafore del vivente:
Linguaggi e ricerca scientifica
tra filosofia, bios e psiche,
ed. by E. Gagliasso and G. Frezza, 123–131.
Milano: FrancoAngeli.
essay [IT] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2012.
Storia dell’estetica moderna.
Crossroads: Filosofia e scienze sociali, 1.
Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura.
book [IT] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2013.
“The Atmospheric ‘Skin’ of the City /
La ‘peau’ atmosphérique de la ville.”
Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain,
varia / varia: n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.399
paper [EN/FR] [M] [OA]
Griffero, Tonino. 2014.
Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces (2010).
Trans. by S. de Sanctis.
Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
book [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2014.
“Atmospheres and Lived Space.”
Studia Phænomenologica. The Journal of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology 14 (special issue on “Place, Environment, Atmosphere”): 29–51.
DOI: 10.5840/studphaen2014144
paper [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2014.
“Architectural Affordances:
The Atmospheric Authority of Spaces.”
In Architecture and Atmosphere,
ed. by P. Tidwell, 15–47.
Espoo: Tapio Wirkkala — Rut Bryk (TWRB) Foundation.
essay [EN] [D]
Griffero, Tonino. 2014.
“Estetica patica:
Appunti per un’atmosferologia neofenomenologica.”
Studi di estetica. Italian Journal of Aesthetics, year XLII, series IV, 1–2 (special issue on “Tra il sensibile e le arti. Trent’anni di estetica”): 161–183.
paper [IT] [M] [OA]
Griffero, Tonino. 2015.
“Trovato o creato?
Il genius loci come esperienza (atmosferica).”
In Sensibilia 9 (special issue on “Genius Loci”),
ed. by S. Pedone and M. Tedeschini, 155–181.
Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis.
essay [IT] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2020.
Places, Affordances, Atmospheres: A Pathic Aesthetics.
Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences
of Spaces, 3. Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2020.
“Better to Be in Tune:
Between Resonance and Responsivity.”
Studi di Estetica. Italian Journal of Aesthetics, year XLVIII, series IV, 2 (special issue “Sensibilia 13” on “Resonance”): 93–118.
DOI: 10.7413/18258646128
paper [EN] [M] [OA]
Griffero, Tonino. 2020.
“Where Do We Stand on Atmospheres?”
In Resounding Spaces: Approaching Musical Atmospheres,
ed. by F. Scassillo, 11–24.
Atmospheric Spaces, 7.
Milano and Udine: Mimesis International.
essay [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino. 2021.
The Atmospheric “We”: Moods and Collective Feelings.
Atmospheric Spaces, 10.
Milan and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino, and Moretti, Giampiero (eds.). 2018.
Atmosphere / Atmospheres: Testing a New Paradigm.
Atmospheric Spaces, 3.
Milano and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [M]
Griffero, Tonino, and Tedeschini, Marco (eds.). 2019.
Atmosphere and Aesthetics: A Plural Perspective.
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
book [EN] [M]
Gumbrecht, Hans U. 2012.
Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung:
On a Hidden Potential of Literature (2011).
Trans. by E. Butler.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (SUP).
book [EN] [M]
H —
Hasse, Jürgen. 1994.
Erlebnisräume: Vom Spaß zur Erfahrung.
Wien: Passagen.
book [DE] [M]
Hasse, Jürgen. 2012.
Atmosphären der Stadt: Aufgespürte Räume.
Berlin: Jovis.
book [DE] [M]
Hasse, Jürgen. 2014.
“Atmospheres as Expression of Medial Power:
Understanding Atmospheres in Urban Governance
and Under Self-Guidance.”
Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience
4, 1: 214–229.
DOI: 10.13130/2240-9599/4201
paper [EN] [M] [OA]
Hauskeller, Michael. 1995.
Atmosphären erleben: Philosophische Untersuchungen
zur Sinneswahrnehmung.
Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
book [DE] [M]
Havik, Klaske, Teerds, Hans,
and Tielens, Gus (eds.). 2013.
“Sfeer bouwen / Building Atmosphere.”
OASE. Tijdschrift voor architectuur /
Journal for Architecture 91.
special issue [NL/EN] [D] [OA]
Holl, Steven, Pallasmaa, Juhani,
and Pérez-Gómez, Alberto. 1994.
“Questions of Perception:
Phenomenology of Architecture.”
A+u. Architecture and Urbanism Magazine.
special issue [JP/EN] [D]
I —
Ingold, Tim. 2011.
Being Alive:
Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Ingold, Tim. 2012.
“The Atmosphere.”
Chiasmi International 14 (special issue on “Merleau-Ponty: Science, Images, Events”): 75–87.
DOI: 10.5840/chiasmi20121410
paper [EN] [M]
Ingold, Tim. 2015.
The Life of Lines.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [M]
Ingold, Tim. 2016.
“Lighting Up the Atmosphere.”
In Elements of Architecture: Assembling Archaeology, Atmosphere and the Performance of Building Spaces, ed. by M. Bille and T.F. Sørensen, 163–176.
Archaeological Orientations, 3.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
essay [EN] [M]
J —
Janson, Alban, and Tigges, Florian. 2014.
”Atmosphere.” In Fundamental Concepts of Architecture:
The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations, 26–29.
Trans. by I. Pepper. Basel: Birkhäuser.
dictionary entry [EN] [D]
Julmi, Christian. 2017.
Situations and Atmospheres in Organizations:
A (New) Phenomenology of Being-in-the-Organization.
Atmospheric Spaces, 2.
Milano and Udine: Mimesis International.
book [EN] [M]
K —
Karandinou, Anastasia. 2013.
No Matter: Theories and Practices
of the Ephemeral in Architecture.
Studies in Architecture, 8.
Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
book [EN] [M]
Kazig, Rainer. 2016.
“Presentation of Hermann Schmitz’ paper,
‘Atmospheric Spaces’ / Présentation du texte
d’Hermann Schmitz, ‘Espaces atmosphériques.’”
Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain, rediscovering / redécouvertes: n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.709
paper [EN/FR] [M] [OA]
Kotler, Philip. 1974.
“Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool.”
Journal of Retailing 49: 48–64.
paper [EN] [M]
Krebs, Angelika. 2014.
“Why Landscape Beauty Matters.”
Land 3, 4: 1251–1269.
paper [EN] [M] [OA]
L —
Latour, Bruno. 2003.
“Atmosphère, Atmosphère.”
In Olafur Eliasson: The Weather Project
(exhibition catalog), ed. by S. May, 29–41.
London: Tate Publishing.
essay [EN] [M]
Le Corbusier. 1948.
“Ineffable Space” (1946).
In New World of Space, 7–9.
New York, NY: Reynal and Hitchcock;
Boston, MA: The Institute of Contemporary Art.
essay [EN] [D]
Leatherbarrow, David. 2015.
“Atmospheric Conditions.”
In Phenomenologies of the City:
Studies in the History and Philosophy of Architecture,
ed. by H. Steiner and M. Sternberg, 85–100.
Studies in Architecture, 5.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
essay [EN] [D]
Luhmann, Niklas. 2000.
Art as a Social System (1995).
Trans. by E.M. Knodt.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (SUP).
book [EN] [M]
M —
Mallgrave, Harry F. 2013.
Architecture and Embodiment: The Implications
of the New Sciences and Humanities for Design.
Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.
book [EN] [D]
Mallgrave, Harry F. 2018.
From Object to Experience:
The New Culture of Architectural Design.
London and New York, NY: Bloomsbury.
book [EN] [D]
Martin, Craig. 2015.
“The Invention of Atmosphere.”
Studies in History and Philosophy
of Science 52: 44–54.
DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.05.007
paper [EN] [M]
N —
Nielsen, Stine L., Friberg, Carsten, and Hansen, Ellen K. 2018. “The Ambience Potential of Coloured Illuminations in Architecture: A Spatial Experiment Exploring Bodily Sensations / Le potentiel de l’ambiance d’illuminations colorées dans l’architecture. Une expérience spatiale explorant les sensations corporelles.” Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space / Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain 4 (special issue on “Expérimentation, Ambiance, Architecture”): n.p.
DOI: 10.4000/ambiances.1578
paper [EN/FR] [D/S] [OA]
Norberg-Schulz, Christian. 1979.
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