Harvest from research

Here you can find all the dissemination
and communication outputs produced by
or related to the RESONANCES project.


Architecture is Atmosphere

Notes on Empathy, Emotions, Body, Brain, and Space

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    Foreword: Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink

    ISBN: 9788869773785
    Pages: 194
    Year: 2022
    Publisher: Mimesis International
    Place: Milan and Udine

    Book series: Atmospheric Spaces
    Issue: 11
    Director: Tonino Griffero

    Translation: Sophie Henderson
    Copy editing: Mikaela Wynne
    Cover: Francesca Ióvene

  • This book explores the atmospheric issue from a connotatively architectural perspective. It is a journey through the maze of atmospheric poetics, articulated in five stages. The first portrays the atmospheric vocation of the architectural experience, unfolding its impalpable essence; the second reconstructs the genealogy, evolution, and semantic geography of the word “atmosphere,” focusing on the architectural niche; the third maps a taxonomy of definitions and design approaches on atmosphere forged over time by the architectural culture; the fourth discusses the current atmospheric turn that inflames architecture; and the fifth provides a new architectural theory of atmosphere of an experiential nature, informed by phenomenological, embodied cognition, and (neuro)biological principles. Atmosphere becomes the key to our empathic relationship with the physical world, capable of orchestrating a space-time continuum of emotions, body, brain, mind, and architecture.

  • This book is a development of the fellow’s doctoral research. The thesis ‘Neurocosmos: The Atmospheric Dimension between Architecture and Neuroscience’ was defended in May 2019 at the Department of Architecture and Design (dAD) of the Polytechnic School of Genoa, under the supervision of Valter Scelsi (architect and professor of architectural and urban design at dAD) and Anna Fassio (professor of human physiology and neurophysiology at DIMES — Department of Experimental Medicine). To conduct the final experiment, Elisabetta also sought the collaboration of Laura Avanzino, neurologist and professor of neurophysiology, and Giovanna Lagravinese, psychologist and researcher — both belonging to DIMES.

    Even if this volume is not a direct result of the MSCA fellowship, it touches upon closely related topics and can be considered a positive dissemination result.

  • Atmospheric Spaces (AS)

    Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology (EAP)


Interfaces 3

Generators of Architectural Atmosphere

  • Editors: Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia
    Authors: Elisabetta Canepa, Kutay Güler, Tiziana Proietti and Sergei Gepshtein
    Introduction: Bob Condia

    ISBN: 978-0-9915482-6-2
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7191265
    Pages: 132
    Year: 2022
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 3
    Director: Bob Condia

    Peer review: scientific board
    Copy editing: Kory Beighle, Brittany Coudriet
    Graphic design: Elisabetta Canepa, Brittany Coudriet
    Cover: Paolo Monti, photo series Udine, 1970

  • This book was born as the legacy of the “Generators of Architectural Atmosphere” Symposium, an Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the 2020 Regnier Chair. The event was hosted in the College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, on April 12, 2022.

    Interfaces 3 collects three essays: “The Atmospheric Equation and the Weight of Architectural Generators” by Elisabetta Canepa; “Sensing the Atmospheric Space Through a Virtual Lens: Scrutinizing Opportunities and Limitations” by Kutay Güler; and “Locating Architectural Atmosphere” by Tiziana Proietti and Sergei Gepshtein. Bob Condia provided a critical introduction entitled “The Applied Science of Generating Atmospheres in Architecture.”

  • The “Generators of Architectural Atmosphere” Symposium was sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the 2020 Regnier Chair.

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this book reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Generators of Architectural Atmosphere


  • With Bob Condia, Elisabetta Canepa, Kutay Güler, Tiziana Proietti

    Supported by P\Lab2003

    April 12, 2022, 8:30—12:30

    Regnier Hall, APDesign, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7051913

  • 8:00
    Coffee and donuts

    8:30 Bob Condia
    (APDesign — KState, Advisor of ANFA Council, and ACE Member)
    Opening remarks, introduction, and sponsorship accolades

    8:40 Elisabetta Canepa
    (MSCA Fellow — UniGe | KState, ANFA and ACE Member)
    The Atmospheric Equation and the Weight of Architectural Generators

    9:30 Kutay Güler
    (APDesign, IAID — KState)
    Sensing the Atmospheric Space Through a Virtual Lens: Scrutinizing Opportunities and Limitations


    10:50 Tiziana Proietti
    (College of Architecture — OU, ANFA and ACE Member)
    The Experience of Architectural Proportion Through a Scientific Perspective

    11:40 Round table
    The Applied Science of Generating Atmospheres in Architecture
    Bob Condia solicits audience questions for the panel discussion with Elisabetta Canepa, Kutay Güler, and Tiziana Proietti

    Finishing up and final remarks

  • 'Generators of Architectural Atmosphere' Symposium is an Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), sponsored by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the 2020 Regnier Chair.

    The RESONANCES project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of the produced and published material reflects only the authors’ views. The Research Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


The Atmospheric Equation

And the Weight of Architectural Generators

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa

    ISBN: 978-0-9915482-6-2
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7530555
    Pages: 18–55
    Year: 2022
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book: Generators of Architectural Atmosphere
    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 3
    Director: Bob Condia

    Copy editing: Brittany Coudriet
    Images: Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia, Paolo Monti
    Cover: Elisabetta Canepa

  • Atmosphere is the whole of affective meanings identifying a situation or place that allows us to resonate and tune into our surroundings. The complexity of atmosphere is well known. This essay analyzes the — design and aleatory — determinants that prime atmospheric effects to estimate the contribution provided by the physical environment (namely, the architect’s domain of intervention). Staging atmospheres is a compositional task in which we orchestrate different architectural generators to let our bodies emotionally resonate with the multisensory entirety of forms, materials, shades, colors, sounds, and scents that constitute a place. Designed atmospheres become generators of identity and meaning.

    architectural composition
    aleatory determinants
    design determinants
    generators of atmosphere

  • The theoretical premises of this essay were developed within the RESONANCES project.

    The RESONANCES project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Interfaces 4

Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science

  • Editors: Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia
    Authors: Kory Beighle, Elisabetta Canepa, Zakaria Djebbara, and Harry Francis Mallgrave
    Introduction: Bob Condia

    ISBN: 978-1-944548-49-0
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7951750
    Pages: 176
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 4
    Director: Bob Condia

    Peer review: scientific board
    Copy editing: Gabrielle Coleman, Brittany Coudriet
    Graphic design: Elisabetta Canepa
    Cover: Paolo Monti, photo series Venezia, 1950

  • This book was born as the legacy of the “Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science” Symposium, an Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the Architecture Department at Kansas State University. The event was hosted in the College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign), Kansas State University (K-State), Manhattan, KS, on March 28, 2023.

    Interfaces 4 collects four essays: “Investigating Atmosphere in Architecture: An Overview of Phenomenological and Neuroscientific Methods” by Elisabetta Canepa; “Rhythms of the Brain, Body, and Environment: A Neuroscientific Perspective on Atmospheres” by Zakaria Djebbara; “A History of Tool-Atmospheres” by Kory Beighle; and “Atmospheric Histrionics” by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Bob Condia provided a critical introduction entitled “The Design of Atmospheres.”

  • The “Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science” Symposium was sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the Architecture Department at Kansas State University (K-State).

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this book reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Designing Atmospheres:
Theory and Science


  • With Kory Beighle, Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia, Zakaria Djebbara, Harry Francis Mallgrave

    Supported by P\Lab2003

    March 28, 2023, 8:30—12:30

    Regnier Hall, APDesign, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7930280

  • 8:00
    Coffee and donuts

    8:30 Bob Condia
    (APDesign — KState, Member of the ANFA Advisory Council)
    Opening remarks, introduction, and sponsorship accolades

    8:40 Elisabetta Canepa
    (MSCA Fellow — UniGe | KState, Member of the ANFA Advisory Council)
    The Elusiveness of Assessing the Atmospheric Essence of Architecture by Body and Emotions

    9:30 Zakaria Djebbara
    (CREATE — AAU, BPN — TU Berlin)
    Rhythms in the Brain, Body, and Environment


    10:50 Kory Beighle
    (APDesign — KState)
    A History of Tool-Atmospheres

    11:40 Harry Francis Mallgrave
    (Distinguished Professor Emeritus — IIT, Member of the ANFA Advisory Council)

    Finishing up and final remarks

  • 'Designing Atmospheres: Theory and Science' Symposium is an Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 MSCA Program — RESONANCES Project, the Perkins Eastman Studio, and the Department of Architecture at Kansas State University (K-State).

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of the produced and published material reflects only the authors’ views. The Research Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Investigating Atmosphere in Architecture

An Overview of Phenomenological and Neuroscientific Methods

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa

    ISBN: 978-1-944548-49-0
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8045570
    Pages: 27–71
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book: Designing Atmospheres. Theory and Science
    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 4
    Director: Bob Condia

    Copy editing: Brittany Coudriet
    Images: Elisabetta Canepa, Paolo Monti
    Cover: Paolo Monti, photo series Bitonto, 1970, BEIC 6332714

  • Based on the multi-component character of our emotions, we can study the affective dimension of architectural atmospheres through several approaches. This essay reviews the main research models that employ a first-person perspective (self-observation) and a third-person perspective (external observation), analyzing methodological potentials and limitations. We need a multi-perspective approach to investigate the complexity of the atmospheric vocation of architecture, integrating both models and working on complementary notions: atmosphere and architecture, resonance and attunement, impressions and appraisals, nonconscious and conscious, emotions and feelings, living body and lived body, neuroscience and phenomenology, physiological measures and self-report techniques.

    lived body
    living body
    first-person perspective
    third-person perspective

  • This essay was developed within the RESONANCES project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Interfaces 5

Atmosphere(s) for Architects:
Between Phenomenology and Cognition

  • A dialogue between Michael Arbib and Tonino Griffero

    Editors: Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia, Mikaela Wynne
    Authors: Michael Arbib, Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia, Federico De Matteis, Tonino Griffero, Robert Lamb Hart, Mark Alan Hewitt, Suchi Reddy, Mikaela Wynne

    ISBN: 978-1-944548-50-6
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8111656
    Pages: 358
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 5
    Director: Bob Condia

    Peer review: scientific board
    Copy editing: Kory A. Beighle, Gabrielle Coleman, Brittany Coudriet
    Graphic design: Elisabetta Canepa, Amanda Shearhart
    Cover: Markus Krisetya, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 2017

  • Interfaces 5 was born to home the dialogue that the neuroscientist Michael A. Arbib and the philosopher Tonino Griffero started at the end of 2021 about atmospheric experiences, striving to bridge the gap between cognitive science’s perspective and the (neo)phenomenological one. This conversation progressed due to Pato Paez’s offer to participate in the webinar “Architectural Atmospheres: Phenomenology, Cognition, and Feeling,” a roundtable hosted by The Commission Project (TCP) within the Applied Neuroaesthetics initiative. The event ran online on May 20, 2022. Bob Condia moderated the panel discussion between Suchi Reddy, Michael A. Arbib, and Tonino Griffero.

    This volume collects nine essays: the main chapter is “A Dialogue on Affordances, Atmospheres, and Architecture” by Michael A. Arbib and Tonino Griffero; there are four commentaries to this text by Federico De Matteis, Robert Lamb Hart, Mark Alan Hewitt, and Suchi Reddy; Michael A. Arbib and Tonino Griffero have independently responded to the commentaries, emphasizing the opportunities and challenges of their respective approaches: cog/neuroscience and atmospherology applied to architecture; Elisabetta Canepa offers “An Essential Vocabulary of Atmospheric Architecture,” developing an atmospherological critique of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art on the Kansas State University campus to evaluate the accuracy, coherence, and adaptability of her lexicon. Bob Condia and Mikaela Wynne provide an introduction entitled “On Becoming an Atmospherologist: A Praxis of Atmospheres.”

  • The RESONANCES project was responsible for editing and publishing Interfaces 5.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this book reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


An Essential Vocabulary of Atmospheric Architecture

Experiencing, Understanding, and Narrating Kansas State’s Beach Museum of Art

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa

    ISBN: 978-1-944548-50-6
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8161944
    Pages: 276–349
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Book: Atmosphere(s) for Architects: Between Phenomenology and Cognition
    Book series: Interfaces
    Issue: 5
    Director: Bob Condia

    Copy editing: Brittany Coudriet
    Cover: Elisabetta Canepa, 2023

  • Informed by (new) phenomenology and cog/neuroscience and grounded in the architectural discipline’s expertise, atmospherology (namely, the study of affective atmospheres in space) can benefit from a shared lexicon to encourage mutual understanding and knowledge construction. A basic language of atmosphere helps cultivate an affective education that makes architects capable of articulating tacit experiences and designing atmospheric qualities. Fifteen essentials are discussed: affordance, arousal, atmosphere, attunement, body, conscious, emotion, feeling, first impression, generator of atmosphere, lived space, mood, nonconscious, resonance, and valence. Lastly, this essay develops an atmospherological critique of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan (Kansas) to evaluate the accuracy, coherence, and adaptability of the lexicon’s concepts.

    affective education
    tacit experience
    language of atmosphere
    Kansas State’s Beach Museum of Art

  • This essay was developed within the Resonances project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses. This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

    Writing the section about the Beach Museum was possible thanks to the support of many professionals and institutions: Linda Duke (former director), Sarah Price (registrar and collection manager), Kathrine Schlageck (associate curator of education), Lindsay Smith (exhibition designer), and Marvin Gould (exhibition designer) from K-State Beach Museum of Art; Bob Condia (architecture professor) and Katie Kingery-Page (associate dean) from the K-State College of Architecture, Planning and Design; K-State Division of Facilities; K-State Division of Communications and Marketing; K-State Department of Special Collections; and Andersson/Wise Architects. I am grateful to Michael Arbib for his support in improving my draft.


Emilio Ambasz, Residence-au-Lac: Atmosfere, emozioni e realtà virtuale

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10828094

    Paper: Emilio Ambasz, Residence-au-Lac. Atmosfere, emozioni e realtà virtuale
    Book: IDEA — Innovation Design Application (2024 edition). Conference Proceedings
    Editor: Gaia Leandri
    e-ISBN: 978-88-3618-261-9 (pdf)
    Pages: 200–221
    Year: 2024
    Publisher: Genoa University Press (GUP)
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    GUP website: www.gup.unige.it
    Series: Full Papers, 3
    Language: Italian

  • Architectural research has recently started to interact with neuroscientific knowledge by integrating their theories and through experiment-based investigations to study how we perceive, feel, and interpret the world we inhabit. Architects play a crucial role in this interdisciplinary challenge: they design the experimental stimuli to spatially situate the task to be performed and elicit a response (conscious or nonconscious). Capable of confining physical space into a whole and independent form and limiting the number of affecting variables, rooms are the privileged testing ground. This paper analyzes the room employed in a virtual reality experiment exploring atmospheric perception. There are three key points: [1] we discuss the architectural precedent (the renovation project of the Residence-au-Lac lobby developed by Emilio Ambasz in the early Eighties on the shore of Lake Lugano); [2] scoring real-time questions and memory-informed assessments, we examine the emotional experience lived in a virtual environment that reinterprets this project; and [3] we compare the participants’ appraisals to the architect’s intentions and critics’ reviews to see if atmospheric impressions resonate with design expectations. Spoiler: the virtual simulation inspired by Ambasz’s room was effective at irradiating an oneiric atmosphere and evoking pleasant, serene, and uplifting feelings — as imagined by its creator, praised by critics, and hypothesized by the experimenters.

    Emilio Ambasz
    atmospheric perception
    virtual reality

  • This paper was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

    The author thanks Emilio Ambasz for sharing the project’s images from his archive.


Motion and Emotion

Understanding Urban Architecture through Diverse Multisensorial Engagements

  • Authors: Tenna D.O. Tvedebrink, Lars B. Fich, Elisabetta Canepa, Zakaria Djebbara, Asbjørn C. Carstens, Dylan Chau Huynh, and Ole B. Jensen
    Journal: The Journal of Somaesthetics 8 (2, special issue entitled ‘Body, Space, Architecture’)

    ISSN: 2246-8498
    Pages: 9–29
    Year: 2022
    Publisher: Aalborg University Press
    Place: Aalbork, Denmark
    Journal website: somaesthetics.aau.dk

    The Journal of Somaesthetics was founded by Richard Shusterman, Else Marie Bukdahl, and Ståle Stenslie. It is funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NOS-HS, and Independent Research Fund Denmark

    Copy editing: Brittany Coudriet
    Images: Lars B. Fich and Tenna D.O. Tvedebrink
    Cover: Elisabetta Canepa

  • Understanding how (dis)abled human bodies interact with the built environment is critical in Urban Design. We examine if somaesthetic theory combined with a neuro-architectural framework can help advance our understanding of human bodily interaction with the built environment. We do so first from a theoretical point of view, and second with an analysis of the situated context: Budolfi Square in Aalborg, Denmark. Our take-home-message is that architects and urban designers need to move beyond the established understanding of the multi-sensory soma, into an understanding of a situated mobile-emotional soma.

    human body spectrum
    situated relational interaction
    mobile-emotional soma

  • Even if this paper is not a direct result of the MSCA fellowship, it touches upon closely related topics and can be considered a positive dissemination result.

    This paper was written in collaboration with the Situated Mobilities and Sensing Bodies (SitMoB) group. SitMob is hosted at the Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology (CREATE) and the Centre for Mobilities and Urban Studies (C-MUS) at Aalborg University, Denmark. The CREATE Department is the European partner of the RESONANCES project: Elisabetta Canepa, the MSCA fellow, spent her initial outcoming period here.


GUD 7 2023

Special issue: SYNAPSE

  • Journal: GUD (Genoa University Design): A Magazine about Architecture, Design and Cities 7 (special issue entitled ‘Sinapsi / Synapse’)
    Guest editors: Elisabetta Canepa, Andrea Giachetta, and Gaia Leandri
    ISSN: 1720-075X
    Pages: 1–176
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Stefano Termanini Editore
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    Journal website: www.stefanotermaninieditore.it

    GUD is an open-access journal, rated as a “scientific journal” by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (ANVUR)

    Cover: Perry Kulper, 2018

  • GUD (Genoa University Design): A Magazine about Architecture, Design, and Cities 7, special issue on Synapse, edited by Elisabetta Canepa, Andrea Giachetta, and Gaia Leandri

    Contributions by Andrea Giachetta, Gaia Leandri, Dario Costi, Paolo Presti, Pietro Avanzini, Fausto Caruana, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Giovanni Vecchiato, Matteo Zambelli, Michele Valentino, Fabio Bacchini, Linda Buondonno, Germana Pareti, Marta Stragà, Manila Vannucci, Fabio Del Missier, Sergio Agnoli, Matteo Pericoli, Cinzia Di Dio, Davide Ruzzon, Sara Valentina Schieppati, Giulia Peretti, Federica Sanchez, Davide Massaro, Gabriella Gilli, Antonella Marchetti, Fabio Colonnese, Anna Anzani, Massimo Schinco, Veronica Riavis, Antonio Sorrentino, Eleonora Buiatti, Mahtab Mazlouman, Lorella Pizzonia, Roberto Ruggiero, Claudia Porfirione, Isabella Nevoso, Elena Polleri, Valeria Menchetelli, and Elisabetta Canepa


  • Elisabetta Canepa’s contribution was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses. This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the author's view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Orizzonti di ricerca tra architettura e neuroscienze

A vent’anni dalla nascita di ANFA — The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    Journal: GUD (Genoa University Design): A Magazine about Architecture, Design and Cities 7 (special issue entitled ‘Sinapsi / Synapse’)
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8161254
    ISSN: 1720-075X
    Pages: 168–175
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Stefano Termanini Editore
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    Journal website: www.stefanotermaninieditore.it

    GUD is an open-access journal, rated as a “scientific journal” by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (ANVUR)

    Text editor: Luigi Mandraccio
    Cover: Perry Kulper, 2018

  • GUD (Genoa University Design): A Magazine about Architecture, Design, and Cities 7, special issue on Synapse, edited by Elisabetta Canepa, Andrea Giachetta, and Gaia Leandri.

    As a GUD 7 editor, Elisabetta Canepa offers a critical overview of the twenty published papers (written by scholars of interiors, architecture, and city design in collaboration with cognitive scientists and philosophers), situating the contributions in a more complete and complex context of reference. The ANFA 20th Anniversary Conference (September 2023) provides a fruitful prompt to analyze potentials, challenges, and horizons of the convergence of architecture (the art of building) and neuroscience (the experimental study of experience), now invoked with enthusiasm as demonstrated by the progressive and constant increase of publications, symposiums, exhibitions, workshops, and academic curricula dedicated to this interdisciplinary field.

    ANFA (the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture)

  • This essay was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses. This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the author's view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Resonant Architecture

The Situated Poetics of Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    Journal: Oz 44 (special issue entitled ‘Essence of Discipline’)

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7023675
    ISSN: 0888-7802
    Pages: 4–11
    Year: 2022
    Publisher: New Prairie Press (NPP)
    Place: Manhattan, Kansas, USA

    Oz is a nonprofit journal edited, designed, and produced annually by students in the Kansas State University College of Architecture, Planning and Design (APDesign)

    Copy editing: Sophie Henderson
    Images: Antonio Luis Martínez Cano; Fanny-Laure Bovet
    Cover: Antonio Luis Martínez Cano

  • There are architectures that, more than others, seem to exist for their nature of atmospheric, resonant bodies: they are shells that enclose, protect, and reverberate the internal landscape of our sensibility. These architectures, in being diaphragms designed to regulate external factors, such as daylight, breeze, and temperature, function above all as a source of emotional priming and contagion. They sway our first impressions (bodily resonance) and modulate our affective involvement (attunement). Two projects by the Andalusian architect Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas describe his extraordinary ability to shape the atmospheric vocation of architectural experience, staging affectively situated events. The journey inside the Nasrid Wall in Upper Albaicín, the Moorish quarter of the city of Granada, (2002-2008) and the seaside house in Rota designed for a famous couple of writers, Luis García Montero and Almudena Grandes, (2012-2015) is an homage to Antonio, master of atmospheres.

    Oz 44, Essence of Discipline
    Edited by Haneen Abu-Sherbi and Matthew Cox

    Increasingly the discipline of architecture assumes the demands posed by a rapidly changing society, responding to issues in an evolving world. These shape how architecture is practiced and perceived. With ever-expanding expectations to contend with a multitude of urgencies, something at architecture's core—perhaps even an underlying idealistic concept of the architect—may be diluted or lost. Oz 44 asked: how might the architect of the twenty-first century define the agency of architecture beyond the realm of the expected standards? What underlying principles—what core passions—must remain in architectural practice and theory?

  • The theoretical premises of this essay were developed within the RESONANCES project.

    The RESONANCES project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


On Generating Domestic Atmospheres Which Nurture Our Bodies and Moods

  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa, Bob Condia

    ISBN: 978-1-119-85717-4
    Pages: 187–204
    Year: 2024
    Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
    Place: Hoboken, NJ, USA

    Book: Transforming Issues in Housing Design
    Editor: Kutay Güler

    Copy editing: Brittany Coudriet
    Cover: Anna Positano, Gaia Cambiaggi | Studio Campo, 2021

  • We must design houses that afford homes, cultivating atmospheres that sensually and emotionally nurture thriving individuals. Mood is the psychological and physiological medium of exchange between designers and dwellers. The ability to affect people’s moods, attuning them to the overall atmosphere, represents the ultimate timeless task of meaningful architecture. In this paper, we developed an analysis and design tool to systematically explore domestic atmospheres and investigate the primary generators available to architects. We crafted the ABODE (the Atmospheric BODy Experience) matrix, embedding the twelve generators of atmosphere articulated by Peter Zumthor on the y-axis and the six atmospheric senses synthesized by Juhani Pallasmaa on the x-axis. By combining architecture, phenomenology, and biology, the ABODE matrix promotes an affect-based approach and returns the body to the center of the design process. To test this tool, we selected the Hermitage cabin designed by llabb, a Genoa-based firm founded by Luca Scardulla and Federico Robbiano.

  • The authors drew up this essay in collaboration (Elisabetta Canepa: conceptualization; writing: original draft, review, and editing. Bob Condia: conceptualization; writing: supervision, review, and editing). It was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the authors’ view.

    The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Memories and Atmospheres: Learning from the Pammatone Complex in Genoa


  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author) and Valter Scelsi
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13905553

    Conference: 5th International Congress on Ambiances — “Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a Changing World”
    Year: 2024
    Place: Lisbon, Portugal

    5th International Congress on Ambiances “Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a Changing World”: Lisbon’s Book of Abstracts
    Page: 73

    Cover: Francesca Iovene

  • We need memories to co-generate affective atmospheres, which are unique to the extent that they develop from analogies with other experiences. The greatest atmospheric engagement occurs in spaces resonating with our embodied habits, emotional affinities, and body memories. This contribution investigates strategies that make a space memorable and observes how memories trigger the atmospheric potential of certain places. Our case study is the Pammatone business and housing complex designed by Franco Albini and Franca Helg in the Piccapietra district in Genoa in the mid-20th century. We purposely selected a building that resulted from an enduring atmospheric praxis rather than an attempt to induce sensorial oversaturation: Albini and Helg were pioneers in teaching how to stage atmospheric spaces—long before the current “atmospheric turn.”

    Franco Albini
    Franca Helg

  • This abstract was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this document reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Exploring Emotional and Neurophysiological Responses to Architectural Atmospheres


  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Martina Putzolu (presenting author), Edoardo Poratelli, Zakaria Djebbara, Kutay Güler, Luca Andrighetto, Anna Fassio, Bob Condia, Andrea Jelić, Laura Avanzino, and Valter Scelsi
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13905368

    Conference: 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2024) — “Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition”
    Year: 2024
    Place: Rome, Italy

    “Cognitive Processing — International Quarterly of Cognitive Science”
    Supplement issue: Abstracts and Authors of the 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2024) — “Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition”
    Page: 6
    DOI: 10.1007/s10339-024-01218-9
    Print ISSN: 1612-4782
    Electronic ISSN: 1612-4790

    Cover: Zoe Noceto

  • Through the interplay of architecture, psychology, and physiology, we explored the priming potential of architectural atmospheres on our first impressions of space. Participants walked through four virtual reality iterations where a corridor connected an empty room to an exhibition space. The starting and ending rooms never changed, whereas the corridor’s light varied: dark, blue, amber, and bright. By integrating self-reports with physiological measures (heart rate and skin conductance), we investigated whether and, if so, how the corridor’s atmosphere primed participants’ impressions of the subsequent room. Before the virtual-reality test, a 5-minute resting-state electroencephalogram recorded participants’ functional brain networks, and questionnaires analyzed their emotional intelligence, personality, and empathy traits. We expected correlations among individual characteristics, neurophysiological correlates, and atmospheric responsiveness (conscious and nonconscious).

    skin conductance
    resting-state EEG

  • This abstract was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this document reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


First Impressions: Conscious and Nonconscious Responses to Atmospheric Primes in Architectural Space


  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Zakaria Djebbara, Kutay Güler, Luca Andrighetto, Irene Schiavetti, Andrea Jelić, and Bob Condia
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8373552

    Conference: The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) 20th Anniversary Conference — Inspired by the Mind: Architecture through the Lens of Neuroscience
    Year: 2023
    Place: La Jolla, San Diego, California
    ANFA website: www.anfarch.org

    Conference Proceedings
    ISBN: 979-8-89184-490-2
    Pages: 36–38

  • We studied atmosphere as a priming condition for our spatial experiences. The priming potential of atmospheres is a deep-rooted intuition among designers, and we wished to consolidate evidence through a physiological signal-based experiment. Our ANFA presentation illustrated the general theoretical framework, the tested protocol, and the gathered results. This experimental paradigm proposed a strategy to study, locate, and measure atmospheres, namely the dimension of the ineffable par excellence for our architectural experiences.

    first impression
    virtual reality

  • This abstract was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this document reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Architecture as Atmosphere


  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7857366

    Book: IDEA — Investigating Design in Architecture (2023 edition). Conference Proceedings
    Editor: Gaia Leandri
    ISBN: 978-88-3618-215-2 (e-book)
    Pages: 191–194
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Genoa University Press (GUP)
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    GUP website: www.gup.unige.it

    The promoting committee is composed of professors, lecturers, Ph.D. students, and researchers from Italy, Spain, the US, and the UK: Angelo Schenone, Marco Testa (DINOGMI, Unige); Maria Linda Falcidieno, Andrea Giachetta, Gaia Leandri, Linda Buondonno, Elisabetta Canepa (DAD, Unige); Francisco Juan-Vidal, Susana Iñarra Abad (UPV); David Sunnucks (Queen Mary University of London)

    Cover: Gaia Leandri

  • Architecture is a complex process of spatial and temporal organization, which is conceived, developed, felt, and communicated also (and above all) through its atmospheric manifestations. Atmosphere is the essence of affective qualities we sense in our surroundings that confers identity and meaning to a situation or place. In the last three decades, investigations about atmospheres — aimed at comprehending, experimenting, and representing their expressive properties — have been drawing remarkable attention. From the end of the 20th century, some scholars have even observed an ‘atmospheric turn,’ a ramification of the more general ‘affective turn’ that bloomed in the Humanities in the early to mid-1990s. There is an ever-increasing enthusiasm for the atmospheric approach in architecture: today, atmosphere represents a crucial element for design practice and critical discussion, as well as architectural teaching. It satisfies the pressing need for bodily felt experiences and emotionally arranged ambiances.

    experimental approach

  • The theoretical premises of this abstract and the physiological-signal-based experiment illustrated during the IDEA 2023 Symposium were developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Empathic Imagination: Nurturing Architectural Creativity in Video Games and Virtual Reality Simulations

  • Author: Elisabetta Canepa
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10837772

    Paper: Empathic Imagination. Nurturing Architectural Creativity in Video Games and Virtual Reality Simulations
    Book: IDEA — Innovation Design Application (2024 edition). Conference Proceedings
    Editor: Gaia Leandri
    e-ISBN: 978-88-3618-261-9 (pdf)
    Pages: 109–127
    Year: 2024
    Publisher: Genoa University Press (GUP)
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    GUP website: www.gup.unige.it
    Series: Full Papers, 3
    Language: English

  • Empathic imagination, namely the ability to internalize and project potential emotions, actions, and experiences anticipated in designed spaces, is an essential creative expertise architects should nurture to better perceive, understand, and shape the built environment. This essay analyzes two digital techniques helpful for studying the imaginative empathy driving designers: video games and virtual reality simulations. Both interfaces provide opportunities for free movement, first-person perspective, autonomous decision-making, sensory immersion, and emotional engagement, thus fostering architects’ imaginative problem-solving skills by situating, embedding, and extending their resonating bodies. Two examples support this theoretical framework: 1) the popular life-simulation game The Sims clarifies our building instinct and need for direct control, a sense of agency, and affective affinities during the design process, and 2) outcomes from a workshop crafting virtual atmospheric sceneries discuss how drawing, simulation, and experience affect architectural creativity among students.

    architectural design
    empathic imagination
    video games
    virtual reality

  • This paper was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the author’s view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.




  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa, Valter Scelsi
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10904085

    Conference: Tenth Forum ProArch (X Forum ProArch) — “Le parole e le forme”
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    Date: November 16–18, 2023

    Paper: Atmosfera
    Book: Le parole e le forme. Book of Papers (BoP)
    Editors: Laura Arrighi, Elisabetta Canepa, Christiano Lepratti, Beatrice Moretti, Davide Servente
    ISBN: 9791280379030
    Pages: 244–249
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Società Scientifica ProArch
    Place: Rome, Italy
    Series: Architettura Documenti Ricerche
    Language: Italian

  • Here is the paper Elisabetta Canepa and Valter Scelsi submitted to the tenth Forum ProArch promoted by the Italian Scientific Society of Architectural, Urban, and Landscape Design Professors. The conference, entitled "Le parole e le forme" ("Forms and Images," in English), took place in Genoa, November 16-18, 2023. Their proposal reconstructs the genealogy, evolution, and semantic geography of the word “atmosphere,” mapping a taxonomy of definitions and design approaches to atmosphere forged over time by the architectural culture. Atmosphere is our primary way to experience, understand, articulate, design, and teach architecture.1) the popular life-simulation game The Sims clarifies our building instinct and need for direct control, a sense of agency, and affective affinities during the design process, and 2) outcomes from a workshop crafting virtual atmospheric sceneries discuss how drawing, simulation, and experience affect architectural creativity among students.


  • This paper was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.




  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa, Valter Scelsi
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10903877

    Conference: Tenth Forum ProArch (X Forum ProArch) — “Le parole e le forme”
    Place: Genoa, Italy
    Date: November 16–18, 2023

    Abstract: Atmosfera
    Book: Le parole e le forme. Book of Abstracts (BoA)
    Editors: Laura Arrighi, Elisabetta Canepa, Marianna Giannini, Fabio Gnassi, Christiano Lepratti, Beatrice Moretti, Duccio Prassoli, Ayla Schiappacasse, Davide Servente
    ISBN: 9791280379092
    Pages: 418–419
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Società Scientifica ProArch
    Place: Rome, Italy
    Series: Architettura Documenti Ricerche
    Language: Italian

  • Here is the abstract Elisabetta Canepa and Valter Scelsi submitted to the tenth Forum ProArch promoted by the Italian Scientific Society of Architectural, Urban, and Landscape Design Professors. The conference, entitled "Le parole e le forme" ("Forms and Images," in English), took place in Genoa, November 16-18, 2023. Their proposal reconstructs the genealogy, evolution, and semantic geography of the word “atmosphere,” mapping a taxonomy of definitions and design approaches to atmosphere forged over time by the architectural culture. Atmosphere is our primary way to experience, understand, articulate, design, and teach architecture.1) the popular life-simulation game The Sims clarifies our building instinct and need for direct control, a sense of agency, and affective affinities during the design process, and 2) outcomes from a workshop crafting virtual atmospheric sceneries discuss how drawing, simulation, and experience affect architectural creativity among students.


  • This abstract was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    The RESONANCES project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132. The content of this text reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


The Emotional Atmospheres ATLAS: A Database of Architectural Experiences Surveyed through Arousal and Valence


  • Authors: Elisabetta Canepa (presenting author), Kutay Güler, Bob Condia
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11087200

    Conference: The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 54th Annual Conference — “Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions”
    Place: Mexico City, Mexico
    Date: June 20–23, 2023
    EDRA website: www.edra.org

    Title: The Emotional Atmospheres ATLAS — A Database of Architectural Experiences Surveyed through Arousal and Valence
    Book: The 54th Annual Conference of The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) — Conference Proceedings
    Edited by the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)
    ISBN: 979-8-9855428-3-7
    Page: 358
    Year: 2024
    Publisher: The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)
    Place: Washington, DC
    Language: English

  • In designing (neuro)physiological signal-based protocols aimed at detecting and measuring atmospheric emotions, we need normative affect-based stimuli specifically conceived to analyze architectural settings. The reference is the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), a set of photos validated as consistently eliciting a precise emotional response (self-rated upon arousal, valence, and dominance). Within the interdisciplinary field of neuroarchitecture, similar databases are rare, and methodologies differ. We crafted ATLAS, a dATabase of visuaL Atmospheric Stimuli: namely, a series of spatial patterns born from a systematic selection of generators of atmosphere. Generators of atmosphere are architectural features designed to afford atmospheric effects (e.g., lights, colors, materials, and proportions).


  • This abstract was developed within the RESONANCES project — Architectural Atmospheres: The Emotional Impact of Ambiances Measured through Conscious, Bodily, and Neural Responses.

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101025132.

    The content of this text reflects only the authors’ view. The European Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.